Romeo and Juliet konferencia



University of Murcia, Spain

19-21 November, 2014

With its roots deep in ancient narrative and in various reworkings from the late medieval and early modern period, Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet has, through a variety of different artistic media, left a lasting trace on modern European culture. As part of a broader aim to reconstruct the documentary bases of Shakespeare’s presence in Europe, the University of Murcia’s research team “Shakespeare’s presence in Spain in the framework of his reception in Europe” is organizing a symposium to chart the continental reception of Romeo and Juliet. “Reception” is understood here in the broadest sense: critical-scholarly responses, but also translations, adaptations, performances and various digital interventions which have, from the standpoint of their specific local contexts, contributed significantly to the consolidation of Romeo and Juliet as an integral part of Europe’s cultural heritage. Contributions on any of the following themes are welcome:

Ø  Criticism and analysis of Romeo and Juliet from the 17th century to the present

Ø  Translating Romeo and Juliet into other European languages: the importance and  impact of those translations in the target culture

Ø  Different versions (adaptations, rewritings, appropriations, updates) of Romeo and Juliet and their relation to the original

Ø  Romeo and Juliet in European theatrical, operatic,  film and TV performance

Ø  Romeo and Juliet in today’s digital environments

Ø  The ‘Europeanness’ of Romeo and Juliet within a globalized world

We particularly favour contributions which reconstruct the documentary bases of Romeo and Juliet from its beginnings and which relate particular interventions (artistic or otherwise) to broader national or transnational concerns and to the history of Shakespeare’s reception in these contexts.

250-300 word abstracts for papers to be presented at the symposium should be sent by 19 January 2014. If accepted, they will be circulated among symposium participants well before the dates of the event. Together with the abstract, participants are invited to send a brief (100-word) bio stating their affiliation, research interests and relevant academic output.

Both abstracts and bios should be addressed to:

Keith Gregor (Project Leader)

Ángel Luis Pujante

Laura Campillo

Elena Bandín

Juan Francisco Cerdá



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